Reclaim your youthful glow
Facelift Columbus Ohio
Benefits of a Facelift or Mini-Facelift
As we age, our faces tend to develop loose skin and wrinkles, and for most people, their exteriors don’t match the youthful vigor they feel inside. A mini-facelift or facelift can help restore a youthful look and align the way patients feel inside with their outward appearance.
Options for Facelifts and Mini-Facelifts
from our Columbus Plastic Surgeon
Patients who have begun to notice the signs of aging, which include sagging skin, looseness of skin around the neck and eyes, and mild wrinkling are great candidates for a mini-facelift. A full facelift is a wonderful option for someone who wants a complete and natural-looking restoration of all their facial aging concerns at one time.
Dr. Okada performs full facelifts with SMAS plication (using well placed sutures to lift the structural layer beneath the skin.) All facelifts should perform some kind of work on the SMAS, because this step is what makes the results natural and long lasting. Skin-only facelifts are not recommended by Stratus. Jaw Line Rejuvenation should not be considered a separate procedure, as this is a result of a well done facelift, or a mini facelift. A well performed facelift surgery can make a patient look 10-15 years younger.
A facelift surgery can be paired with neck rejuvenation - Dr. Okada can remove any excess fat from the under chin with a separate small incision, or suture loosened neck muscles in the midline of the neck creating a "turkey neck" appearance.
Dr. Okada also performs autologous (your own) fat cell transfers to the face, which provides the look of a filler but is much longer lasting. This can be performed at the same time as a facelift, to add volume to the midface and create an even more youthful and natural appearance. She also provide non-surgical facelifts with TriLift® for patients not ready for surgery.
In your initial consultation, Dr. Okada will help you determine what kind of facelift is right for you.
Your Questions, Answered.
Will these procedures hurt?
There is some discomfort associated with this surgery. Dr. Okada will help you manage any pain you feel following your surgery.
What is the difference between a mini-facelift and a facelift?
While both procedures address sagging skin on the face and neck, a mini-facelift is a less invasive procedure, which is not to say that it is not a significant surgery. A full facelift will involve more incisions and might address skin beyond the lower face, jowls and neck, which is what a mini-facelift primarily targets. A mini-facelift addresses the aging of the jawline and neck with a shorter incision, mainly in front and behind the ear. A full facelift has a longer incision that also extends up the temple hairline, and it can also address lifting of the midface tissue at the same time. Both these procedures primarily address the lower face. Facelifts can also be combined with fat grafting to restore lost volume in the midface, but to address the forehead, patients will need a browlift.
What are the possible side effects or risks of a facelift and mini facelift?
Any surgery carries some risks. Dr. Okada will review these with you ahead of the procedure, and gain your consent on several forms. Possible risks might include:
Infection and bleeding
Hematoma (collection of blood beneath the skin)
Nerve injury
Hair loss
Skin loss
How long will recovery take after a facelift procedure in Columbus, Ohio?
Most patients require at least two weeks of recovery, after which they return to their regular lives. It is recommended that patients wait until after six weeks to begin strenuous activity, however.
How long will scars take to fade? Will my facelift scars be noticeable?
Dr. Okada is an expert at concealing facelift and mini facelift incisions in the hairline and natural contours of the face and ear. In general, face lift scars will fade over the course of a year or so, and you’ll be left with very thin lines that are barely visible.